

Conference Title Sequence


Nov 2023 – Mar 2024


3D Animator

Established in 2010, CoMotion is an annual student-led motion graphics conference at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). At CoMotion 2024, I had the previledge to work as a 3D animator to create a beautiful title sequence with a talented team.

Space, Depth, The Nature System. In the beginning, there was only black and white—and the seed of life. We built an extensive visual language for CoMotion that expands beyond the limitations of a grid by incorporating both the beauty and structure of sacred geometry. The organic beauty of nature’s design system is exposed once the veneer of color is stripped away.

Creative Director: Kyle Switzer, Muskaan Sethi
Lead Animator: Isabelle K Winarto
Animators: Jiaru Yang, Lauren Neu, Linxuan Wang, Sean Shelton, Tzu Kai Lin, Valentina Gil Duque, Xinyue Gu, Davis Hardy, J.C. Petrofsky, Phirada Kanjanangkulpunt, Qi Qi
Lead Designer: Tiffany Tedy
Designers: Xinxun Liao, Phyllis Zhao, Haze Nguyen, Danna Macias, Cynthia Soe, Chaoran Xu, Sarah Wellman
Lead Graphic Designer: Reem Hinedi
Graphic Designers: Aatreyi Singh, Alessia Piccoliori, Charlotte Beck, Claire Lin, Emily Strycharz, Gauthier Bossuyt
Producers: Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Sophia D’Alleva
Experiential: Eliezer Garcia Gazaui, Jinkyu Kang, Gabriel Medina, Hannah Ford
Web Developers: Amadeus Cameron, Chi Quach
Composer: Seth Marques

Behind The Scene

ZBrush Modeling

Animation Playblast

Petal Texture and Shaders